Strengthening Pacific youth mental health and resilience

Illustration of a star

Children and young people are happy and healthy

Lead agency:
Ministry of Health
Action timeframe:
From 2019

The Ministry for Pacific Peoples is piloting a programme to support Pacific young people to lead their own innovative initiatives to strengthen Pacific youth mental health and resilience. A second component of this work recognises the important role of family and community and will focus on supporting the intergenerational conversation about Pacific youth mental health and raising awareness.

The Kau Tulī Innovators of Influence Advisory Group (Kau Tulī is a separate action under the 'involved and empowered' outcome) supported Pacific youth and community engagement workshops aimed at educating and empowering Tokelau youth.  Three workshops were delivered in October 2020 to over 30 Pacific young people from the Tokelau community and were live streamed through social media platforms. Kau Tulī members will continue to lead discussions within Pacific communities to develop and deliver initiatives in 2021.